Our Journey
We started rescuing and caring for animals long before the concept of having our own rescue began. Starting off, we started under another organisation where we learnt how to do all the basic rescue and caring techniques, grew our knowledge, began caring for orphaned young and then proceeding all the way to advanced care for more critical care animals and helping experienced carers look after their animals that come under very specialised permits.

From that experience, we improved the way we looked after our animals and found new ways to improve the chances of survival in every way we could. With people and organisations backing our work, we received equipment and supplies to really specialise in the way we did things. 

After a few years, trouble came, and it was ugly. Tensions, drama, politics and siding of sides sparked within the organisation we were in. The focus came off of looking after the animals that came in and became a verbal and hateful environment. This wasn't what we signed up to deal with and with ever-growing verbal attacks, slander and hate thrown, false public posts, and even messages threatening us, amongst other things. We called it quits with them and became an organisation built only on the promise to look after our wildlife and their ecosystems and here we are today, doing exactly that!
What Happened?

We started rescuing and caring for animals long before the concept of having our own rescue began. Starting off, we started under another organisation where we learnt how to do all the basic rescue and caring techniques, grew our knowledge, began caring for orphaned young and then proceeding all the way to advanced care for more critical care animals and helping experienced carers look after their animals that come under very specialised permits.

From that experience, we improved the way we looked after our animals and found new ways to improve the chances of survival in every way we could. With people and organisations backing our work, we received equipment and supplies to really specialise in the way we did things. 

After a few years, trouble came, and it was ugly. Tensions, drama, politics and siding of sides sparked within the organisation we were in. The focus came off of looking after the animals that came in and became a verbal and hateful environment. This wasn't what we signed up to deal with and with ever-growing verbal attacks, slander and hate thrown, false public posts, and even messages threatening us, amongst other things. We called it quits with them and became an organisation built only on the promise to look after our wildlife and their ecosystems.
We Moved!
With the new house built, we moved out to Elliot Springs, located into the southern area of Townsville and with a large residential backyard, we began a change. A breath of fresh air came through the rescue. We brainstormed and created a plan for the future. 

The reptile relocation became its own brand and now runs as its own business, keeping the namesake of the brand we adored soo much. 'Snakefella Reptile Removals' burst to life and out of the ashes of the wildlife rescue came something new, something focused. We ran it by all of our friends and those who backed us. We became a community and environmentally focused Wildlife Care organisation. Hence, we named it after the one thing that runs through most of this community, Whites Creek. Simple but elegant and anyone local to this area knows where that is. 

Whites Creek Wildlife Care!
So here we are, ever growing, ever learning, ever vigilant and raring to make a difference in the area through education and revitalisation of local areas and doing what any wildlife care does, rescuing those who need it, rehabilitating or raising those that come into care and either releasing them or putting them with the carers that'll teach them to be a wild animal again in Pre-release enclosures spread around the area depending on the animal it came from.
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