Our Structure

Our Structure

Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, our skilled team of professionals is the backbone of our rescue. Their ideas help shape the direction and mission of our organization as it continues to develop. Read on to learn more about our team structure below.
The Executive Committee
This Committee shapes the way we go about running the organisation and helps shape the future direction of the rescue. It comprises members elected at a general meeting to hold seats within the organisation.
Executive Committee:
Vice President
Management Committee
This Committee helps run the organisation and produces the material and events for the organisation. It comprises members elected at a general meeting to hold seats within the organisation.

Management Committee:
​​​​​​​Public Relations Officer
Training Officer
Financial Officer
Fundraising and Events Officer
Publications Officer
Species Co-ordinators
The coordinators are carers who have spent a significant amount of time rehabilitating and caring for a certain species and are the species experts for all carers to go to if they are stuck or need guidance with something to do with that certain species.
Carers are the backbone of our organisation. Without their knowledge and care for the wildlife, we could not rehabilitate or release the animals that we do.
Each one of these people has successfully completed the training required and has shown they are up to caring for the sick, injured or orphaned wildlife we get called into rescue.
While just as important as Carers, we need rescuers that are fit to go out and help assess the wildlife that we get calls for.​
Their job can be the most heartbreaking, as they are the first responders to all the rescues and have the skills and knowledge to figure out the best outcome for the animal. This includes the successful capture and transport if an animal will not be successful in rehabilitation and needs to be humanely euthanized by a qualified veterinarian.
General Members
What if a person doesn't want to do any of the rescue or rehabilitation and just wants to be a part of us, maybe help with events or fundraising or just give a helping hand when needed? 

Well, they can be one of our outstanding general members. Being a part of keeping us going and helping is a great way to volunteer some of your time helping us and it really helps in a whole heap of ways!
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